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Board approves 2023/24 Operating Budget

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The Rocky View Schools Board of Trustees (the Board) approved the 2023/24 operating budget with a priority on providing funding, supports and resources directly into schools where they can have the greatest positive impact on student learning.

“RVS remains committed to providing our 28,000 students with a world-class education and maximizing our budget to direct student learning dollars into our classrooms,” said Board Chair Norma Lang. "This budget is a reflection of what we heard from families, students and staff should be the division’s focus to improve student learning.”

The Board has approved spending $318.2 million with 92 per cent of total instructional funding from government going directly to schools. These funds will staff schools and classrooms, pay for school-based supplies and be allocated to teaching and resource supports in areas such as numeracy and literacy, inclusion, new curriculum implementation, English as an Additional Language, Indigenous knowledge-building, and mental health and wellness for students and staff. 

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Land Acknowledgment

Rocky View Schools would like to acknowledge the land and recognize all the Indigenous Peoples whose footprints have marked these lands from time immemorial. Together, we can learn and honour the Ways of Knowing of Indigenous Peoples for all future generations.