Transportation Registration Deadline Approaching

Register before Aug. 1 to ensure service on the first day of school. Registrations received after Aug. 1 may not be processed until after Sept. 18 and will experience delays of two to three weeks before they can ride the bus.

Learn more.

Administrative Procedures

AP 100: Education Plan

AP 101: Annual Education Results Report

AP 102: School Education Plans

AP 103: School Reviews

AP 110: School Councils

AP 111: Exemplary Practice and Student Showcase to the Board

AP 112: School Societies and RVS

AP 120: Policy and Procedures Dissemination

AP 121: Development and Review of Administrative Procedures

AP 125: Division Forms

AP 130: School Year Calendar Development

AP 131: School Closure

AP 135: Internal Delivery Services

AP 140: Responsible Use of Technology

AP 141: Management of Administrator Accounts

AP 142: Web Publishing Guidelines for Schools

AP 143: Teachers' Digital Presence

AP 144: Public Use Of Photographs, Images, Multimedia, Personal Information or Work

AP 145: Electronic Communication

AP 146: Standardized Email Signature Block for Corporate Email

AP 147: Use of RVS Computer/Devices

AP 149: Crisis Incident Communication

AP 150: Community Engagement

AP 151: Communications

AP 152: Dispute Resolution

AP 153: Advertising and Promotional Signage

AP 154: Political Electioneering

AP 155: Event Protocol

AP 156: Visit Protocol

AP 157: Flag Flying Protocol

AP 158: Visual Identity Corporate Branding

AP 159: New School Grand Opening Ceremony

AP 160: Health and Safety of Students and Staff

AP 161: Communicable Diseases

AP 162: Smoke Free School Division

AP 163: Serving and Consumption of Alcoholic Beverages

AP 164: Nutrition

AP 165: Emergency Preparedness

AP 166: Pandemic Response

AP 167: Defibrillators

AP 168: Indemnity to Supply and Deliver Food Products

AP 169: Trespassing and Loitering in Schools

AP 170: Kirpans in School

AP 171: Student Accommodation Consultation

AP 172: Comfort Dogs in School

AP 180: FOIP – Requests for Access to Information or Correction of Personal Information

AP 181: Closed Circuit Video Surveillance

AP 182: Protection of Privacy

AP 185: Records Management

AP 190: Copyright

AP 192: Innovation Partnerships

AP 193: Land Acknowledgement

AP 194: Before and After School Programs In Schools

AP 201: Middle Levels Education

AP 202: Use of Non-Supported RVS Technologies

AP 205: Teaching About Controversial Issues

AP 206: Family Life Education

AP 207: Learning Environments that Respect Diverse Sexual Orientations, Gender Identities, and Gender Expressions

AP 208: Patriotic Exercises

AP 210: Early Childhood Services

AP 213: French Immersion Programs

AP 214: Inclusive Education

AP 215: Student Progress and Placement

AP 216: Off-Campus Education

AP 218: Special Projects

AP 219: Locally Developed and Authorized Courses

AP 220: Divisional Programs Of Choice

AP 221: Innovation Initiative for the Delivery of Education

AP 222: Facilitating Successful Transitions to Rocky View School's Community Learning Centres

AP 223: Student Reassessment

AP 230: Rocky View Schools Online

AP 235: School Extension Programs

AP 240: Guidance and Counseling Programs

AP 250: Learning Commons

AP 260: Education Excursions

AP 261: Supervision of Extra Curricular Activities

AP 270: Home Education

AP 280: Evaluation of Instructional Programs

AP 290: Research Studies

AP 300: Access to Education

AP 301: Student Registration

AP 302: Admission of Non-Alberta Students

AP 303: Independent Students

AP 305: School Attendance Areas

AP 306: Special Instructional Programs and Accommodations

AP 310: Supervision of Students

AP 312: Safety Patrol

AP 313: Student Concussion

AP 315: Student Accident/Injury/Illnesses

AP 316: Administering Medication or Medical Treatment to Students

AP 320: Student Records

AP 322: Legal Custody of Children

AP 325: Child Abuse and Neglect

AP 330: Student Attendance

AP 340: Specialized Services for Students and Children

AP 341: Time-outs, Physical Restraints and Seclusions

AP 350: Student Code of Conduct

AP 352: Interrogations and Searches

AP 355: Student Suspension and Recommendation For Expulsion

AP 357: Vandalism

AP 360: Assessment and Communication of Student Learning

AP 365: Course Challenge

AP 370: Student Awards and Scholarships

AP 375: Student Exchanges and Visiting Students

AP 401: Staff Conflict of Interest (Nepotism)

AP 402: Personnel Files

AP 403: Public Interest Disclosure

AP 404: Employee Code of Conduct

AP 405: Working Alone

AP 406: Certificate of Good Health

AP 407: Leave of Absence

AP 408: Staff Participation in Political Activities

AP 409: Mandatory Record Checks – Staff

AP 410: Employee Progressive Discipline

AP 411: Occupational Health and Safety

AP 412: Workplace Harassment and Violence

AP 413: Workplace Investigation

AP 414: OHS Incident Investigations

AP 415: Recognition of Service and Employment

AP 419: Employee Resignations/Retirements

AP 421: Certified Staffing Guidelines

AP 422: Teacher Growth, Supervision and Evaluation

AP 423: Evaluation Guidelines – Teachers

AP 424: Professional Learning

AP 426: Teacher Reduction

AP 427: Transfer Of Certificated Staff

AP 428: Teaching Assignment Appeal

AP 429: School Staff Meetings

AP 431: Assistant Principal Hiring and Transfer Process

AP 432: School Based Administrator Evaluation

AP 433: School-Based Administrator Growth

AP 434: Transition Plans for Administrators

AP 435: Principal Appointment – New School

AP 440: Support Staff Selection and Placement

AP 441: New Support Staff Positions

AP 442: Performance Appraisal of Support Staff

AP 450: Organizational Structure

AP 460: Substitute Teachers

AP 470: Job Descriptions

AP 471: Diversity, Equity and Inclusion - Recruitment

AP 480: Worker Contract Status Determination

AP 490: Volunteers, Visitors and Presenters Mandatory Record Checks

AP 491: Volunteer Coaches and Supervisors

AP 492: Animals In The Workplace

AP 5001: Annual Division Budget

AP 5003: Special Benefits Request

AP 5008: Authorized Signatures

AP 5010: Surplus Land and Buildings

AP 5011: Resource Development

AP 5013: Partnerships

AP 5014: Community Use Of Outdoor Spaces

AP 5020: Driver and Fleet Safety & Maintenance

AP 5021: Insurance And Risk Management

AP 5025: Community Use of Facilities and Equipment

AP 5101: Annual School Budgets

AP 5104: Contributions to Individuals, Groups, or Organizations

AP 5105: Fees

AP 5106: Financial Accountability And Audits

AP 5108: Investment of Cash Resources

AP 5109: Petty Cash

AP 5110: Claims for Payment of Travel and Out of Pocket Expenses

AP 5112: Grant Writing

AP 5114: Donations, Gifts, and Volunteer Construction Services

AP 5118: School Carryovers and Reserves

AP 5119: School Generated Funds

AP 5120: Advertising in Local Newspapers

AP 5201: Limits of Authority and Procurement Requirements

AP 5203: Cell Phones, Smart Phones and Other Wireless Internet Connection Devices

AP 5212: Divisional Asset Administration

AP 5216: Disposal of Surplus Furniture and Equipment

AP 5218: WCB for Contractors and Volunteers

AP 5220: Online Order System Contracts

AP 5222: Public Sector Purchasing Code of Ethics

AP 5223: School Budget Responsibilities

AP 5224: Purchasing Card (PCard) Program

AP 5225: Purchases Exceeding $5000

AP 5303: Maintenance and Grounds Repairs – Workflow

AP 5305: Non-Standard Items In RVS Facilities

AP 5306: Urgent Facility Concerns

AP 5308: Waste Management and Recycling

AP 5311: Pesticide/Chemical-Free School Grounds

AP 5313: Construction of Playgrounds

AP 5315: School Use of Scaffolding

AP 5316: Facility Keys And Security

AP 5317: Theft or Damage In Schools

AP 5319: Education Centre After Hours Use

AP 5321: Dual Reporting by Head Building Operators

AP 5323: School Sponsored Extracurricular and Personal Use of Facilities

AP 5401: Facilities Planning

AP 5402: Naming of Facilities

AP 5403: Sustainable Buildings

AP 5404: Free Standing Storage Units, Outbuildings, and Other Structures

AP 5405: Alterations to School Buildings or School Grounds

AP 5407: Private, Public, Partnership (P3) School Requirements

AP 5408: Facility Signage and Messaging Systems

AP 5409: Requests of Board for Donations for Capital Projects

AP 5500: Student Transportation Services

AP 5501: Transportation Of Students During Inclement Weather

AP 5505: School-Organized Transportation for Students

Land Acknowledgment

Rocky View Schools would like to acknowledge the land and recognize all the Indigenous Peoples whose footprints have marked these lands from time immemorial. Together, we can learn and honour the Ways of Knowing of Indigenous Peoples for all future generations.