Transportation Registration Deadline Approaching

Register before Aug. 1 to ensure service on the first day of school. Registrations received after Aug. 1 may not be processed until after Sept. 18 and will experience delays of two to three weeks before they can ride the bus.

Learn more.

Online Schools for All Alberta Students

a smiling student using a laptop

Rocky View Schools offers online learning programs for all Albertans in Grades 1 – 12

Discovery Trails Online School (formerly RVS Elementary/Middle Online) serves students in Grades 1 – 9 and Summit Trails Online High School (formerly RVS Online High School) serves students in Grades 10 – 12. Students from across Alberta are eligible for free registration!  

Students are taught through a combination of real-time online video interaction and instruction, online activities/resources, pre-recorded videos and independent work.

The culture and spirit of each school is evident in each interaction with their students, with staff working to ensure students have the best online learning experience possible.  

Register for either school directly in SchoolEngage or visit our registration information. This includes information for families transferring into RVS for our online schools. For more information on schools and programming, contact each school directly. 

Discovery Trails Online School

discovery trails online school logo

Grades 1 – 9
Phone: 403-945-4196

What our families are saying:

“Choosing the right path for (our son) has been challenging at times. Watching him get excited about school and excel and be successful over the past year has assured us we made a great decision with online learning.” – A.R., Parent

“Online school has allowed my son to learn at his pace and he has improved his reading immensely in three months. Everyone learns differently and the 8-3 in school schedule was not something that worked for my son. Since switching he has actually enjoyed going to school and developed a love for creating stories; he’s more engaged and is really improving in all educational areas. The teachers are incredibly supportive and always there to support you when you need. As a parent I feel so involved with his education and get more of a understanding of his skills and weaknesses so we can be proactive instantly on his needs.” – S.R., Parent

“With Discovery Trails Online, school is a lot more relaxed and you can work at your own pace. Teachers provide a lot of options for projects, both in interest and tiered difficulty level. You have the option work on your own (in a private breakout room) or join a group. Breakout rooms make it easy to work with a group and I made new friends really quickly.”  – G.C., Student

“Teachers are supportive, understanding, and help you improve in your own learning style. I really like that you can choose your projects and work at your own pace. Everything is laid out in a clear and consistent format. Support is readily available - we can meet with teachers to check in or for extra help.” – J.C., Student

Summit Trails Online High School

summit trails online high school logo

Grades 10 – 12
Phone: 403-945-4197

What our families are saying:

“It has provided supported, flexible learning for my daughter in a way that has allowed her to thrive and excel.” – L.D., Parent

“Summit Trails is a school that represents hope, growth, and academic success for me.” – Unnamed student

“Online learning gave our daughter a chance to access education from the comfort and safety of our home. My daughter is autistic and has terrible social anxiety and this gave her the space to learn and not worry about social cues and cliques.” – T.L., Parent

“I found the staff to be very considerate of the students online, and they were able to make the learning experience very personal and peaceful. My teachers always were up to answer and explain questions, while also giving students who preferred independence their space to do their thing.” – B.H., Parent

“The staff has been outstanding, their willingness to support my daughter in her learning. to push her and challenge her when she needs it and to pull back and let her go slower when that is what is needed.” – S., Parent

“I have been taught important life skills that I wasn't taught throughout in person schooling. I have noticed that during my time online my English Language skills have improved, I learned how to use proper punctuation and read a lot more than I did before attending online classes. I have also learned the importance of self-motivating and the significance in trying your hardest to meet deadlines; skills I was previously lacking before online learning.” – M.P., Student

Land Acknowledgment

Rocky View Schools would like to acknowledge the land and recognize all the Indigenous Peoples whose footprints have marked these lands from time immemorial. Together, we can learn and honour the Ways of Knowing of Indigenous Peoples for all future generations.