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RVS Board approves 2022 – 2026 Strategic Plan

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The Rocky View Schools (RVS) Board of Trustees approved the 2022 – 2026 RVS Strategic Plan Dec. 15 at a public board meeting.  

The priorities, goals and outcomes in this plan describe the division’s focus over the next four years to provide students with an education and school experience that supports them in achieving their absolute best.  

We believe our students, parent/guardians and staff have an important say in what learning looks like at RVS. To gather your input and help shape the strategic plan we held two engagements over the past six months.  

In May, along with our annual Education Plan survey, we asked students, parents/guardians, staff and the community three open-ended questions designed to understand hopes for children’s education and school experience and what RVS should focus on. We received over 27,920 responses which we summarized into common themes and shared on our website.  

The Board of Trustees met in August with senior administration to draft a strategic plan informed by what we heard. We shared the draft plan with parents/guardians, staff and the public in October and asked for feedback through a second survey. The 1,430 comments we received were similar in themes from the first survey and expressed general support for the priorities and goals of the plan.   

The input provided during these two opportunities will also provide insight as administration begins to develop the next Four-Year Education Plan. The Education Plan outlines RVS’ priorities, key strategies, goals, outcomes and measures designed to achieve learning results. We communicate our progress through the division’s Annual Education Results Report. Together, our strategic plan, education plan and results report keep us focused, prioritize spending and efforts, and provide opportunities for us to share key measures to track our progress. We look forward to reconnecting with our stakeholders in 2023 on the next Four-Year Plan. Thank you for your continued support and valuable input. 

Land Acknowledgment

Rocky View Schools would like to acknowledge the land and recognize all the Indigenous Peoples whose footprints have marked these lands from time immemorial. Together, we can learn and honour the Ways of Knowing of Indigenous Peoples for all future generations.